Premium Skadar Lake boat tours for best experiences and value

You love nature? May we surprise you with stunning experiences?

Our premium boat tours are designed for unforgettable memories. We recommend this kind of tour experience if you are curios andd have some time to see the most breathtaking sights at Skadar Lake. This is the perfect way to see all of the highlights because the start of the River in magical harbor of Rijeka Crnojevića following the famous bridges and getting into the river´s canyon are included with all tours - each tour additionally features a special topic of the wildlife, flora and fauna and the best experiences of Montenegro´s most famous lake.

The Jungle Tour - You hear the birds sing??

Just imagine and you known what will expect you.

We call this the jungle tour because it lets you explore the the smallest water pathways.

You literally go through the smallest rivers and routes through the bushes. If there were monkeys in Montenegro - here they would jump and dizzle around your head ;-)

The Karuc Village Tour

The Amazon - most favorite boat excursion of Skadar Lake

Amazon - this means it´s a bit like Amazonas with a flavour of an amazon.

This tour lets you explore three rivers who are connected with Skadar Lake. It looks like an bush-erized version of the Amazonas delta.

As always you see Cormorants and might see see Pelicans, and eagles or fishes jump - be an adventurer now!

The Amazon Tour
The Dodoci Village Tour

The Dodoši Village Tour

Dodoši is an of the oldest fisherman´s settlements on Skadar Lake. Perfect for a kid´s swim in the warmer water here.

As always you might see Pelicans, Cormorants and eagles or fishes jump - be an adventurer now!

The Karuč Village Tour

Just imagine and you known what will expect you.

We call this the jungle tour because it lets you explore the the smallest water pathways.

You literally go through the smallest rivers and routes through the bushes. If there were apes in Montenegro - here they would jump and dizzle around your head ;-)

The Jungle Tour
The Monastery Kom Tour

The Monastery Kom Tour

Kom - this is known to everyone in Balkans for simple the most beautiful and holy Monastery on a remote island.

Absolutely must see. Simply. 

The Virpazar Tour

The Virpazar Tour

Virpazar is seen as the touristic center of the Lake.

Its a small village and offers many boat tours a starting point.
With our tour from 
Rijeka Crnojevića to Viropazar you will see a lot more - guaranteed.

The Allover-The-Lake Tour

The Allover-The-Lake Tour

The whole Skadar Lake at your service.
Including all tours in one package.

You will tell this experience to your grandkids, believe me.

You see all the different parts of the lake and the villages and the other side of the Lake.

The Allover-The-Lake Tour

The Zabljak-Crnojevica Tour

Simply stunning: Imagine you do a boat ride through pure nature and end up in an 10th century fortified King´s Castle.

Again - you will tell this experience to your grandkids.